2008, Number 4
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Med Crit 2008; 22 (4)
Preeclampsia associated to hepatic rupture and management with artery ligation. Case report
Revilla RE, Rivera CF, Sarmiento JH, Ruiz OMR, Vásquez RH, López J
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 254-259
PDF size: 114.19 Kb.
Introduction: The hepatic rupture is a rare complication of preeclampsia-eclampsia, in this case the maternal mortality rate is high. The management likely included from conservative treatment until surgical management that included stitching of the lesions, packing, hepatic artery ligation, embolization of hepatic artery and liver transplantation. This case was treated with surgical intervention that included packing and common hepatic artery ligation from witch have been reported few cases in the universal literature. In this case was necessary management by the intensive care unit.
Objective: Case report of spontaneous hepatic rupture associate with preeclampsia and common hepatic artery ligation.
Design: Case report.
Setting: ICU Hospital General de Zona No. 1, IMSS, Oaxaca, México.
Patient: A 38 years-old multiparous woman at 39 weeks of gestation, she had upper abdominal pain in right quadrant, hypotensive, tachycardia, anemia, thrombocytopenia and elevated liver enzymes. The transabdominal ultrasound showed heterogeneous subcapsular liver hematoma in left lobe, she was subjected to laparotomie. Was necessary new surgery because persistent hemorrhage, packing and common hepatic artery ligation was applied. She had a good evolution and was discharged 13 days after admission in the ICU.
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