2002, Number 2
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Salud Mental 2002; 25 (2)
Conductas alimentarias de riesgo y distribución del Indice de Masa Corporal en estudiantes de 13 a 18 años
Unikel C, Saucedo-Molina T, Villatoro J, Fleiz C
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 49-57
PDF size: 67.06 Kb.
Objective: To learn about the relationship between percentilar Body Mass Index and risk eating behaviors in Mexican adolescents.
Method: A sample of 7 597 adolescents between 13 and 18 years was obtained from the Drug and Alcohol Prevalence in the Student Population Survey of Mexico City in 1997. A self report questionnaire of 11 items was used to assess their eating behavior during the three previous months before applying the survey. Comparisons by sex and age were carried out.
Results: The data showed a trend to present higher percentages of risk eating behaviors as Body Mass Index and age increases. Although this same trend was observed in both sexes, women show higher means of clinical symptoms compared to men. In agreement to the results obtained, it may be concluded that 1.5% of the men between 13 and 15 years, and 2.2% of the men between 16 and 18 years meet the risk criteria for developing an eating disorder, while these percentages increase up to 5.4% in women between 13 and 18 years and up to 16.1% in women between 16 and 18 years. It was observed that adolescents with overweight are those who meet higher percentages of risk eating behaviors. This fact indicates that overweight must be considered as an important predisponent characteristic for the development of eating disorders. The small percentage of adolescents with low and very low weight that presents risk eating behaviors, also deserve our attention, as their eating behavior might be motivated by body image distortion (they perceive themselves fatter than they really are).
Conclusions: This data show that 1) There is a relationship between Body Mass Index and risk eating behaviors, and that 2) Overweight and low weight should both be considered as risk factors for the development of eating disorders.
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