2005, Number 1
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Acta Med 2005; 3 (1)
Cyclic vomiting syndrome. A case presentation
Hidalgo-Valadez C, Arellano-Aguilar G, LDomínguez-Carrillo LG, Baca-PrietoJE, Ramírez-Barba EJ
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 41-45
PDF size: 51.52 Kb.
Background: Heberden described cyclic vomiting syndrome since 1806; its hallmark clinical feature is severe, recurring to paroxysmal cyclic vomiting pattern and diffuse abdominal pain. It has childhood predilection, especially girls outnumber boys. Some factors like: infections, psychological and/or physical stress, menses and dietary, seem to precipitate episodes. New researches show a migraine linkage. Differential diagnosis is a challenge: hospitalizations are frequent and when abdominal pain is of sufficient severity it mimics an acute abdomen and even requires a laparotomy albeit normal findings.
Case presentation: An 18 years old woman member of a dysfunctional family with an Aunt with migraine: Her problem began at 6 years old with paroxysmal, recurrent vomiting disorder 10-15/hour and diffuse abdominal pain during 5 days, requiring hospitalization, the vomiting disappeared suddenly. At 12 years old, with menarche, a new similar episode was presented, she was hospitalized and normal outcomes laboratory and radiographic studies were reported, the vomiting stopped suddenly. At 18 years old, she presented chickenpox with a new episode of vomiting 12-13/hour and diffuse abdominal pain; She was hospitalized with normal G.I. series and endoscopy within normal limits. A laparotomy was performed, reporting a congenital bridle; She continued with vomiting and presenting mild jaundice 12 days after surgery, then she arrived to our institution with negative viral hepatitis test and ultrasound mild biliary conducts distension report. A laparoscopy and hepatic biopsy was performed. We prescribed propranolol and ketorolac after surgery, the symptoms disappeared in 24 hours.
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