2004, Number 3
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Rev Inst Nal Enf Resp Mex 2004; 17 (3)
Tobacco consumption, a social disease.
Chávez DRC, López AFJ, Regalado PJ, Espinosa MM
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 204-214
PDF size: 95.66 Kb.
rganized effort to control tobacco consumption and its malignant effects has not been enough. It is therefore convenient to focus on the strong social disease component it encloses. To stop this disease it must undergo a social maturing process. The dynamics of intervention should be fed back by their results. Mortality, morbidity, trends and risks are good indicators of the degree of social involvement. Today, there is a body of evidence about the interrelationship between individual behavior and the social environment. Also, Mexico has formally accepted the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which will help to increase social pressure. Smoking requires individual and social care at all ages starting from elementary school. It is urgent to raise public awareness and encourage the concern for taking care. Health professionals, who are the best witnesses of smoking consequences: diseases, miseries and deaths, should be more concerned and give the good example. Other professions should also be involved. It is necessary to innovate strategies and continue looking for cost – effective trials. There is a need to modify the present concept with preventive implications such as: adjusting the present concept, considering tobacco consumption a consequence of a deviation of individual and social behavior; taking care of the new social disease risks; improving health and well-being promotion programs in a cultural environment. Shared community actions are advantageous. A harmonic environment contributes to reach the goal.
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