2008, Number 1
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Bol Mex His Fil Med 2008; 11 (1)
Ethics and Teaching Relations at the level of Residents and Interns of Medicine. Reflections according to Foucault and Bourdieu
Consejo C, Viesca- Treviño C
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 16-20
PDF size: 116.09 Kb.
The years of clinical practice that constitute the medical internship and residence, besides of been essential to doctors in training, help them develop abilities that combine theory and practice, that are fundamental for their professional identity training. Here is where the identity and ethics of the general doctor and the specialist are consolidated, transformed and created are and where the moral and normative codes are forged and modify their interpretation of the world. Nevertheless, few studies exist that explore the factors that lead to their medical professional attitude and characteristics. This paper tries to expand that discussion, reviewing the literature around the atmosphere labor in which the doctors are trained and the impact that have the episodes of abuse they sometimes suffer. Finally we explore some reflections that take us back to two French sociology and philosophy authors at the end of 20
th the century.
La primera parte de este trabajo puede leerse en: Consejo CC y Viesca TC. Ética y poder: formación de residentes e internos. Rev Med IMSS 2005 43(1): 1-3.
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El tema ha sido estudiado también por: Rubio Andrade A. Percepción de abuso en el médico interno de pregrado. Tesis de Maestría en Ciencias de la Salud con énfasis en Educación Médica. México, Facultad de Medicina, División de Estudios de Posgrado, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2000.
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Reshma J, Surender R. Regulation of junior doctors work hours: an analysis of British and American doctors experiences and attitudes. Social Science & Medicine 2004; 58: 2181-2191.
Ozuah PO and Neuspiel DR. Trends in Residents Perceptions of Working conditions: 1989-1999. Arch Ped & Adol Med 2001; 155(9): 1073-1074; Komaromy MB and Andrew B. Sexual Harassment In Medical Training. N Engl J Med 1993; 328: 322-326.
Frank E. et al. Prevalence and Correlates of Harassment Among US Women Physicians. Arch Intern Med 1998; 158: 352-358; Carr PL, Ash AS, Friedman R, y cols. Faculty Perceptions of Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Academic Medicine. Am Col Phys 2000; 132(11): 889-896; Daugherty T. Learning, Satisfaction and Mistreatment during Medical Intership. A National Survey of Working Conditions. JAMA 1998; 279: 1194-1199.
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