2006, Number 4
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Anales de Radiología México 2006; 5 (4)
Ethanol and Lipidol injection through percutaneous transthoracic boarding in rats liver, guided by Helical Computerized Tomography
Dena EEJ, Rodriguez NP, Hernández GM, Cervantes GC, Jiménez GJ, Olvera NR, Rojero VJ, Campos GRC, Ramos SO, Fuentes GM, Arriaga CH
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 305-312
PDF size: 174.11 Kb.
Objective: Assay a new access via in the liver of 25 rats through transthoraxic percutaneous approach, inject ethanol and Lipidol with a fine needle, using as guide the helicoidal computerized (HTAC) tomography and to its usefulness in patients with subdiaphragmatic liver trauma or where the transcatheter percutaneous access is difficult for carrying out procedures emboligenous.
Materials and method: All the procedures were carried out in accordance with Committee of Ethics of the General Hospital of Mexico, of the Secretary of Health and of research and experimentation in animals according to the Law of Animal Protection and International Standards of animals care and protection. A Protocol of Experimental Research was carried out, where: HTAC as a guide for the introduction of a needle through transthoraxic percutaneous approach, through the right lung bottom portion until reaching the subphrenic region of the liver. Ethanol and Lipidol are injected; an immediate control was carried out, a new tracking after 24 hours later and one week later, to verify the integrity of the lung base and revision again through pathology of the organs.
Results: Complications neither deceases were observed during the procedure. The deposit of Lipidol allows the immediate visualization of the place in which it was injected favoring follow-up to the day and the week after the procedure.
Conclusions: This transthoraxic puncture technique is a novel method, it is considered reliable and it is an alternative in human patients with subdiaphragmatic liver trauma or where the percutaneous transcatheter access makes difficult to carry out emboligenous procedures.
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