2006, Number 2
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2006; 7 (2)
Nosographical aspects, interview and technical elements for the clinical approach in addictions
Souza y MM, Díaz BSL, Guisa CVM
Language: Spanish
References: 61
Page: 127-141
PDF size: 130.01 Kb.
The present communication considers that addiction approach, from nosopropedeutics to its rehabilitation, raises a scene adapted for the clinical efficiency rating of the drug user/addict, whose vision traditionally demystifies the argumentation displayed long ago as well as the offered deceptive inferences, replacing it by a planned and evaluated clinical activity, that is to say, of professional character. The affected ones, according to their characteristics, must be taken care of in clinical atmospheres
ad hoc, that offer a suitable preparation and an exact knowledge of the guide lines that allow them to go through this pathology all along. The use of techniques directed to problem solution is useful in the therapeutic-rehabilitatory handling of these patients, and contributes to visualize the difficulties in its implementation and to make the pertinent recommendations. The technical elements of the antiaddictive clinic and the psychopathologic exploration are key pieces for the diagnosis, the doctor-patient dynamics and the clinical sequence approach. And they are also, of utmost utility in the antiaddictive integral treatment. This is an important and necessary aspiration, particularly now that efforts come together to face the addiction problem, by means of the coordination of a national system, designed in accordance with the international standards, which include all participant organizations and institutions situated at their own convenience and right moment of the disease medical record they are facing. Any health team must include this management by all means, in compliance with the norms and assuming the social responsibility that the assistance services have for the community welfare.
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