2006, Number 1
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Inv Salud 2006; 8 (1)
Neuropeychological deteroratien in apileptic children
González SAG
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 44-49
PDF size: 246.36 Kb.
The epilepsy has been one of the big problems of the humanity; so much for it discharge prevalencia and effect, like for its clinical and social consequences. In 1973, the International League against the Epilepsy and the World Organization of the Health, they defined the epilepsy as a chronic affection of diverse etiology characterized by crisis appellants originated by excessive exhausts of a group neuronal hyperexcitably and it associates with different clinical manifestations. In Mexico, about twenty of every thousand persons suffer this disease. The neuropsychological studies in infantile epilepsy, they indicate that the early beginning of the disease, with the consequent better duration of the same one, implies a major risk of suffering some cognitive dysfunction. Every convulsive disorder threatens the capacity of the child to face in a physical and psychological way the life.
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