2006, Number 2
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2006; 27 (2)
Vázquez TO, Campos RT, Durán MC, Rosas RME
Language: Spanish
References: 89
Page: 73-83
PDF size: 291.45 Kb.
Scabies is caused by
Sarcoptes scabiei variety
hominis. It is one of the first ectoparasitosis known in the world. Aristoteles mentioned this disease. The first cases reported in America were documented after the arrival of the spaniards. This ectoparasitosis is seen in countries with mild and cold climate. It is considered as a family or group-transmitted disease, favoured by deficient hygiene, overcrowdling and promiscuity. Children and adolescents are more affected than adults; there is no difference in gender; it appears as small limited bouts in reduced geographic areas or as a large epidemic, even as a pandemic. Epidemics are cyclic. World prevalence is unknown, but an estimate is 300 million people infected. In Mexico as in other countries, notification of this ectoparasitosis is not mandatory, for which reason its incidence is unknown. The clinical features are cutaneous scabs which cause nocturnal pruritus. Lesions have typical distribution. In the Norwegian variety of immunocompromised patients pruritus is absent and the lesions are hyperkeratosic scabs. Diagnosis of scabies is confirmed by the presence of the parasite. Treatment is with adequate use of scabicides, strict hygiene and adequate prophylaxis of every contact.
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