2006, Number S1
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salud publica mex 2006; 48 (S1)
Epidemiology of tobacco use in Mexico
Kuri-Morales PA, González-Roldán JF, Hoy MJ, Cortés-Ramírez M
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 91-98
PDF size: 137.02 Kb.
Tobacco use is a worldwide public health problem. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), smoking is the second principal cause of death in the world, with almost five million deaths annually. Information about tobacco consumption is essential in order to improve the focus of prevention and control measures and thereby succeed in the struggle against tobacco use. This literature review, carried out in Mexico in 2006, presents a comparative analysis of information about smoking prevalence from the National Addictions Survey 2002, as it relates to results obtained in previous surveys. This review also presents information about youth and passive smoking, tobacco consumption in the medical profession and impact on mortality as aspects relevant to the analysis of this epidemic. Epidemiological information is viewed in the context of the tobacco use component of the Plan of Action on Addiction and the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
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