2006, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2006; 48 (1)
University-trained nurses in Mexico: An assessment of educational atrition and labor wastage
Nigenda G, Ruiz JA, Rosales Y, Bejarano R
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 22-29
PDF size: 122.73 Kb.
Objective. To estimate and analyze the rate of wastage among university-trained nurses during their training period and in the labour market.
Material and Methods. Wastage at the training stage was estimated using data from ANUIES for the 1978-2002 period. We used the 2000 Population and Household Census database to estimate job market wastage. Concepts and formulas were defined for the valuation of both areas.
Results. The Rate of Education Wastage (TDE) for the generation cohort finishing in the year 2002 reached 252 per 1000, far below the 1987 rate, which was 555 per 1000. Regarding the job market, 55.2% of the total graduates who finished university studies and carried out post-graduate studies in nursing, now perform paid activities in the field of nursing, 15.4% work in activities different from their original training, and 16.2% are dedicated to household duties. The Global Rate of Labor Wastage (TGDL, per its abbreviation in Spanish) is 410 per 1000 thousand who obtained a degree in nursing at the university.
Conclusions. There is an important degree of wastage in the population holding a university nursing degree, both in the training and in the job market areas, an unacceptable situation that calls for immediate action by incumbent institutions.
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