2025, Number 1
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Acta Med 2025; 23 (1)
Risk of hypoglycemia according to insulin schedule in hospitalized patients: a retrospective study
Taracena PS, Rodriguez WFL, Díaz GEJ, Guzmán VG
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 12-17
PDF size: 198.12 Kb.
Introduction: recommendations call for maintaining 100-180
mg/dL serum glucose for non-critically ill patients in most
settings; however, the methods for achieving these figures
and the evidence supporting these recommendations are
conflicting. As for the pharmacological method of control,
insulin remains the first choice, although the methods of
administering insulin are heterogeneous in different non-critical
clinical settings. Whether bolus or basal-bolus administration
scheme, the available literature maintains conflicting results.
Materials and methods: in a retrospective, non-randomized,
descriptive, comparative study, the incidence of hypoglycemia
in two treatments for hyperglycemia control was documented to
identify which has a higher risk of generating hypoglycemia in
non-critical patients. Forty cases were analyzed, documenting
the type of insulin regimen, demographic characteristics, and
incidence of hypoglycemia.
Results: more hypoglycemia
events were recorded between the two groups in the
basal-bolus vs. bolus group (21.5 versus 7.69%, p ‹ 0.05).
Conclusions: the data analysis suggests a higher risk of
hypoglycemia in non-critically ill patients in the basal-bolus
schedule, but the authors are confident that the experience
gained with this protocol will allow the application of prospective
studies in the future.
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