2024, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (3)
Differences in personality traits by workstation in a sample of health workers
Hauser MMP, García SHD
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 1025-1044
PDF size: 523.29 Kb.
This research seeks to investigate differences in personality traits of
public health workers in the Pueyrredón, San Luis Province,
Argentina. This is a descriptive study with an ex post facto and
retrospective design, in which we worked with a probabilistic sample
of 694 participants (female 63,80%, male 30,80% and non-binary
5,30) who work in health centers. public health (x=37,29 years;
SD=9,7). The Big Five Inventory (Castro-Solano y Casullo, 2001)
and an ad hoc survey aimed at collecting information about job
positions were used as instruments. The results indicate that: in
Agreeableness, lower levels were found in Maintenance and/or
service personnel compared to the Administrative, Specialist and
Auxiliary samples; in Conscientiousness, Maintenance and services
personnel presented lower levels compared to the sample of
Specialists and Auxiliaries; In Openness to experience, Maintenance
and service workers presented lower values compared to those
obtained by Administrative personnel, Specialists and Auxiliaries;
and in Neuroticism, on the other hand, Maintenance and service
personnel presented higher values than the group of Specialists and
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