2022, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2022; 38 (4)
Applicability of Games to Children with Special Health Care Needs
Bastos DJR, Borges PF, Evangelista CI
Language: Spanish
References: 40
PDF size: 635.69 Kb.
Children with special health care needs may often be seen as having little potential to engage in play and play with their family and professional caregivers. However, the challenge lies in knowing which play activities are appropriate for this group of children.
To select evidence on play with potential application to children with special health care needs in hospital and home settings.
Integrative review of the literature searched in December 2020 in the health information sources MEDLINE via PubMED; LILACS through the BVS and PsycoInfo databases; Scopus and SciELO.
Playing is a right and a need for children, regardless of the type of limitation they present, and they can join in games that do not trigger complications in their health.
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