2022, Number 4
Design of a Protocol for Nursing Interventions for People with Anorectal Diseases Requiring Ambulatory Surgery
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: Nursing interventions are treatments based on the knowledge and clinical judgment performed by these professionals. In ambulatory surgery for anorectal diseases, there is variability in the correct choice of these interventions and lack of substitution of qualified personnel to perform them.Objective: To design a protocol of nursing interventions for people with anorectal diseases requiring ambulatory surgery.
Methods: Development study, descriptive transversal, contextualized in hospitals in Camagüey province with Ambulatory Surgery services, from January 2018 to September 2021. Specialists were selected to elaborate the proposal. In a first meeting, the recommendations of the Guidelines for the elaboration of evidence-based protocols were followed, nursing interventions were identified by brainstorming. In a second meeting, suggestions were recorded and the protocol was presented.
Results: Seven competent specialists were selected. The first version of the protocol was designed with the consensus of 100.00% of the specialists. The protocol contemplates 14 items, the nursing interventions are presented with numerical codes, denomination and definition, as well as the activities to execute them in each stage comprising the perioperative period. The level of evidence corresponding to each nursing intervention is selected.
Conclusions: A protocol of nursing interventions for people with anorectal diseases requiring ambulatory surgery was designed, based on the consensus of specialists, where the nursing interventions to be executed in each stage of the perioperative period are described, in an orderly manner and justified with the corresponding level of evidence.
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