2022, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2022; 38 (4)
Clinical Advocacy as a Social Representation of Patient Safety in a Health Care Institution
Díaz HLP, Anyud CK
Language: Spanish
References: 25
PDF size: 550.02 Kb.
Patient safety transcends the various care settings, the roles of the people involved, the environments and the processes, which is fundamental to achieve positive health outcomes.
To describe the social representation of patient safety based on the expressions of some social actors involved in health care in a health institution, such as personnel, family caregivers and nursing students.
Qualitative study with microethnographic approach and ethnographic analysis according to Spradley's postulates and Moscovici's theoretical orientation, developed in a health care institution in Bogota, Colombia, during 2018 and 2019. Seventeen in-depth interviews were conducted with primary caregivers and health personnel, and a focus group with nursing students to investigate key aspects of patient safety.
Clinical protection was identified as the central theme and social representation, which consists of four themes: prevention of harm or injury, dignified care of people, meeting the patient's needs, and participation of all.
From the point of view of social representation, patient safety means for the participants in the study a commitment to actions and procedures carried out correctly, in a timely manner, in accordance with the needs of the person and leading to their improvement and wellbeing, which is referred to as clinical protection. This conceptualization involves strategies to achieve and maintain the quality of care, knowledge, skills and values. In addition, it is described as protection and concern for others so as not to generate any harm as a result of health actions and tends to promote the wellbeing and satisfaction of the person cared for.
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