2022, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Enf 2022; 38 (3)
The Nurse in Palliative Care in Intensive Care Units, a Peaceful End of Life Theory
Souza PG, de Oliva MTM, Guerrero-Castañeda RF, Santos SMG, Pithon BNAM, Batista PI, Matos BV
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 490.13 Kb.
The high mortality rate in intensive care units due to diseases without therapeutic possibilities introduced palliative care in this setting. In this context, the nurse's work becomes paramount to enable patients and families a biopsychosocial and spiritual care, with the promotion of a comprehensive care that should be based on theories such as the peaceful end of life theory.
To know the nurse's performance in palliative care in the intensive care unit under the peaceful end of life theory.
A study with a qualitative approach was carried out with fourteen nurses from the immunological intensive care unit of a private hospital Salvador City, Bahia, Brazil. Data collection covered the period between November 2018 and May 2019, using the semistructured interview. They were analyzed through Bardin's content analysis technique and discussed under the peaceful end of life theory.
Four categories emerged: nurses' understanding of palliative care in the intensive care unit, nurses' perception and performance concerning patient comfort in palliative care, the nurse allows proximity to the family, and the nurse allows the patient to be at peace.
The nurse's performance in palliative care is directed to terminal care and involves promoting comfort, family approach actions and attitudes that dignify the dying process.
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