2022, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Enf 2022; 38 (3)
Patient Safety Climate in Intensive Care Units at a Private Hospital
Batista J, Rambo Grimm TSA, dos Santos A, Chileider KMG, Vasconcelos FN, Terezinha HC
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 487.21 Kb.
The patient safety climate is reflected in individual attitudes and perceptions of professionals regarding the key points of patient safety at the institutional level.
To analyze the patient safety climate as perceived by the nursing staff of the intensive care units of a private hospital in Brazil.
A quantitative research with a cross-sectional and descriptive design was developed in September 2020 in three units of a private hospital in Curitiba City, Paraná State, Brazil. The participants were sixty professionals, fourteen nurses and 46 nursing technicians, which made up a nonprobabilistic and intentional sample. Data collection was done through the application of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Student's t-test and Mann-Whitney test. The scores greater than or equal to 75% are indicative of a positive perception about safety climate.
The overall mean patient safety climate was 67.63%. Job satisfaction scored the highest (76.29%), while perception of hospital management was the lowest (58.53%). Nurses presented more positive scores and with significant difference for the category "perception of hospital management" (p=0.002), compared to nursing technicians.
The nursing staff perceives weaknesses with respect to management, while stimulating actions for reducing differences among workers are relevant to improve the institutional climate.
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