2024, Number 4
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Otorrinolaringología 2024; 69 (4)
Highly vascularized ethmoid chondromyxoid fibroma
Ambrosio MMG, Jiménez GA, Herrera LO
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 285-290
PDF size: 353.29 Kb.
Background: Chondromyxoid fibroma is a rare benign mesenchymal neoplasm
in the metaphyseal region of long bones in young adults. Rarely, they can occur in the
craniofacial skeleton, posing unique diagnostic challenges.
Clinical case: A 35-year-old female patient with 7 months of progressive nasal
obstruction and biopsy report of chondromyxoid fibroma. An evaluation by inter-
ventional imaging service reported a high vascularity dependent on 80% of the ophthalmic artery, so a Weber
Fergusson type approach with Lynch type extension and medial maxillectomy for total resection was performed,
with adequate evolution and no recurrence.
Conclusions: Ethmoidal chondromyxoid fibroma is a rare disease and, in this case, a timely diagnosis
was established, thanks to the complementation of endoscopic exploration and radiological images. Due to the
similarities between chondromyxoid fibroma and chondrosarcoma, a histologic diagnosis is difficult to make and
therefore great care should be taken in the biopsy evaluation. Surgical excision should be complete, given the
limits imposed by the location of the tumor to achieve the lowest risk of recurrence but with acceptable sequelae.
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