2022, Number 4
Association between intermittent claudication and peripheral arterial disease in essential hypertensive patients
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-6
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Introduction: Peripheral arterial disease is related, per se, with atherosclerosis. Its early diagnosis allows taking measures aimed at slowing its progression. Objective: To assess whether presenting intermittent claudication is associated with peripheral arterial disease in essential hypertensive patients, additionally it was evaluated if the years of evolution of the disease and the hypertensive stage were effect modifiers of the association of interest. Methods: Prospective cohort study, with cross-sectional, two-stage analysis, carried out in an Internal Medicine Clinic, in the city of Pucallpa (Ucayali-Peru). The Edinburgh intermittent claudication questionnaire was applied to each patient and the ankle-brachial index was subsequently calculated. Results: Among the 194 hypertensive patients included, the mean age was 59.5 years, 59.8% were men, and 90% had some comorbidity. Intermittent claudication occurred in 51.0%. The systolic blood pressure had a mean 141 mmHg and the diastolic of 80 mmHg, 57.2% had an evolution of the disease greater than 10 years and 53.1% belonged to hypertensive stage I. Suffering from peripheral arterial disease was greater in the group with intermittent claudication (adjusted OR: 3.66, 95% CI: 1.97 to 7.20), in hypertensive patients with stage II (adjusted OR: 1.46, 95% CI: 1.21 to 1.75), without differences in relation to the evolution of arterial hypertension. Conclusions: In hypertensive patients essentially presenting intermittent claudication is associated with peripheral arterial disease, mainly in patients with stage II.REFERENCES
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