2024, Number 4
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Otorrinolaringología 2024; 69 (4)
Intraoral approach for removal of tumor at the base of the skull with orthosis support for maxillary fixation
Dávila TRF, Villareal RJM
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 279-284
PDF size: 445.53 Kb.
Background: Diseases in deep spaces of the skull, such as tumors, sometimes
require therapeutic interventions: chemotherapies, radiotherapies, surgical resection
or a combination of these. The surgical removal of these diseases limits access, due to the protective structures
of hard and soft tissues and the risk of injury to vascular, nervous structures or nearby organs.
Clinical case: A 15-year-old female patient who reported facial sensory alterations, diplopia, persistent
headaches, as well as discharge of secretions from the left ear. Imaging studies showed a tumor lesion at the base
of the skull. This paper describes the intraoral surgical approach for tumor resection in the skull base, as well as
the use of maxillary orthosis to preserve occlusion and final osteosynthesis.
Conclusions: Large-scale tumor lesions located in deep spaces require a difficult surgical procedure and a
more aggressive approach for resection.
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