2024, Number 4
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Otorrinolaringología 2024; 69 (4)
Neonatal hearing screening in Mexico: Experience of a second level care center
Gastelum GW, Mariscal MB, Celis AEM, Hernández CEN, de la Mora FAR
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 251-264
PDF size: 348.33 Kb.
Background: Congenital hearing loss constitutes the initial step in the Neonatal Hearing Screening and
Early Intervention program (TANIT) in Mexico, it is considered a diagnostic challenge within the first months
of life, where hearing plays a key role in future human development.
Objective: To know the degree of compliance with the goals for hearing screening of the TANIT, as well as
the prevalence of risk factors in patients with absent otoacoustic emissions in Mexico.
Methodology: Comprehensive review of primary literature on PubMed and Google Scholar as database
platforms. The keywords used were: hearing loss, congenital hearing loss in Mexico, otoacoustic emissions, neonatal
auditory screening, emitted evoked potentials, hearing loss screening in Mexico, from 1990 to 2023. The
Mexican literature and population were reviewed with greater insistence. The most representative sources were
included in the international category for global analysis.
Results: There were obtained 3960 evaluable results. Nowadays developing countries have a higher incidence
of patients with deafness. Six thousand children with hearing loss are born in Mexico; however, more than
80% of patients are diagnosed after one year of age, so it is essential to achieve a timely neonatal screening by
otoacoustic emissions.
Conclusions: Achieving timely treatment of congenital hearing loss requires early diagnosis and achieving
satisfactory coverage of hearing screening is still a great challenge for developing countries like Mexico.
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