2024, Number S3
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (S3)
Betaine and lactose in breast milk. Prevention of accelerated growth in breastfed infants
Argüelles LA, Valenzuela MR, Calderón BAM
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: S33-S39
PDF size: 370.92 Kb.
Introduction: There are methyl donors (MD) in the maternal diet that epigenetically
regulate growth during pregnancy; it is hypothesized that this action continues during
breastfeeding. Thus, rapid infant gr
owth would be mitigated, because it is a recognized
predictor of future overweight and obesity.
Objective: To analyze the relationship between the macronutrients and MD contents
in breastmilk and the growth velocity during the first year of infants breastfed ≥5 months.
Methods: Participants were healthy mothers and their infants exclusively breastfed
≥5 months, evaluating growth velocity from 0-5.5 and 5.5-12 months, and analyzing
macronutrients, betaine and choline of breastmilk at 5.5 months postpartum. Statistical
analysis included paired t-test and Pearson's correlation.
Results: Participants were 23 dyads. Proteins, lipids, and reducing sugars (including
lactose) concentrations in milk at 5.5 months were 14.73 ± 4.75, 49.13 ± 15.6, and
78.17 ± 7.17 mg/mL, respectively; betaine was 2.9 ± 1.7 and choline was 95.2 ±
39 µg/mL. Calculation with weight/length Z score, growth acceleration during 0-5.5
months exceeded that of 5.5-12 months (p=0.0005). The concentrations of reducing
sugars (p=0.01) and betaine (p=0.09) were inversely related to growth velocity in
the first semester of life, albeit not up to 12 months.
Conclusions: Reducing sugars
(lactose included), as well as betaine in breastmilk, could prevent rapid growth while
exclusively breastfeeding.
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