2022, Number 4
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Medicentro 2022; 26 (4)
Asymptomatic diseases or early diagnoses
Álvarez ÁG, Monteagudo LL, Vega ANE, Hernández GN
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 884-896
PDF size: 574.23 Kb.
early detection of the onset of diseases constitutes a relevant fact in the practice of individual or population medicine that is why early clinical diagnoses are tried to be made. However, a group of infectious or non-infectious, acute or chronic clinical diseases are characterized by few clinical manifestations, for which knowledge of their existence is of vital importance, for example, arterial hypertension or diabetes mellitus, whose symptomatic expressions may appear late. To the same extent, the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has proliferated rapidly due to the large number of infected people who do not express symptoms.
to characterize relevant clinical aspects of asymptomatic diseases and the importance of incipient, individual and population clinical or biotechnological diagnoses.
bibliographic searches of the last five years were carried out in classic books on Internal Medicine, articles published in national and international journals were analyzed, specifically in high-impact journals such as the Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine. Databases of the World Health Organization were considered, as well as what was exposed in Infomed; in addition, Google Scholar was used, with the descriptors of interest in this regard.
conclusions will always be partial for the moment, since the recommendations of the World Health Organization for the identification and control of SARS-CoV-2 are emphasized; the importance of clinical and epidemiological methods is highlighted, as well as the development of biotechnology for the knowledge of diseases.
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