2022, Number 4
Psychological consequences and psychosocial coping resources in children and adolescents convalescing from COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 866-883
PDF size: 748.40 Kb.
Introduction: children and adolescents constitute a vulnerable population to the psychological impact triggered by COVID-19.Objective: to reveal the psychological consequences and psychosocial coping resources in children and adolescents convalescing from COVID-19.
Methods: a qualitative, constructive and interpretive research was carried out between April 2020 and September 2021. The affective rhombus and thematic composition techniques, the semi-structured interview, the psychiatric examination, the Family Functioning Perception Questionnaire (FF-SIL) and the psychiatric social history were used to obtain the information. The sample consisted of 25 children and adolescents, based on criteria of convenience and availability, and with the prior informed consent of their parents. The ATLAS.ti 9 software was the tool used to process the obtained data, allowing us the analysis of frequencies and code co-occurrences.
Results: we pointed out, among other aspects, clinical and psychological alterations with impairment of the affective, conative and relational dimensions, as well as health preserving needs in personal and family spheres.
Conclusions: children and adolescents convalescing from COVID-19 show clinical and psychological symptoms such as anxiety, fear, sadness, irritability and psychiatric diseases which classify within anxiety and adaptation disorders; the psychosocial coping resources were characterized by the limited mobilization of resilient alternatives, the predominance of emotional states of happiness after being discharge, and the presence of emotional social support.
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