2022, Number 4
Effectiveness of an educational program on oral health aimed at relatives of preschool children
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 835-852
PDF size: 442.43 Kb.
Introduction: oral diseases have their onset at an early age, the educational action of the family is decisive, that is why it is necessary to contribute to raising their level of information on oral health.Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational program on oral health aimed at relatives of preschool children.
Methods: a prospective and pre-experimental was carried out at “Fe del Valle Ramos" school, in Sagua la Grande, from March 2017 to June 2018. The population consisted of 39 families and the sample was made up of 36, who were selected by an intentional non-probabilistic sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used. Family questionnaire, specialist criteria and participant observation were the empirical ones used. The level of information on oral health and the effectiveness of the educational program were analyzed as variables.
Results: the evaluation of the level of information on oral health aimed at relatives of children in preschool grade was bad in 24 families (66.7%). The designed educational program contains 6 themes, distributed in 13 activities; it was assessed by the specialists as pertinent and feasible to be applied later.
Conclusions: the design of an educational program on oral health aimed at relatives of preschool children contributed to raising their level of information, which supports its effectiveness and will have a positive impact on preventing oral diseases.
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