2025, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2025; 67 (1)
An innovative educational strategy based on ICT for the control of Aedes aegypti
Yáñez-Santaolalla J, Arenas-Monreal L, Lloyd LS, Betanzos-Reyes ÁF, Gómez-Dantés H
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 65-73
PDF size: 359.75 Kb.
Objective. To assess the effectiveness of an innovative
strategy employing information and communication technologies
(ICT) with primary school students to prevent the
proliferation of
Aedes aegypti.
Materials and methods. A
randomized community trial design in four primary schools
in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. A validated educational
curriculum was adapted, incorporating various ICT such as
videos and interactive games. A Knowledge, Attitudes and
Practices (KAP) questionnaire was administered at baseline,
immediate post and final post-intervention (12 weeks). Data
analysis was conducted using the Differences in Differences
statistical model.
Results. The KAP Index (KAPI) from the
multivariate model revealed a significant difference of 16.3%
of the intervention group compared to the comparison
group (t= 8.9, 95%CI: 10.5,22.1, p= 0.003).
Conclusion. The
ICT-based educational strategy proved effective in enhancing
the KAPI of the students related to control of Aedes aegypti.
These results support the utility of ICT in health education
and contribute to the understanding of their application in
the prevention of mosquito-borne diseases.
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