2025, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2025; 67 (1)
Management and final disposal of expired medicines: an economic and public health problem
Saturno-Hernández PJ, Quiroz-Razo R
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 56-64
PDF size: 271.87 Kb.
Objective. To analyze the regulations and availability
of data to assess the volume, final disposition, and cost
of expired medicines (EM) in Mexico.
Materials and
methods. The applicable legal framework is described,
following a logical flowchart. To investigate the availability of
data, the pages of Gobierno de Mexico related to the subject
were consulted and 46 requests for information were made
to federal and state agencies through the National Transparency
Platform. In addition, contracts related to drug disposal
were searched on Compranet (2019-2023).
Results. The
management of EM as hazardous waste is regulated by five
General Laws, seven Norms, and other official documents;
it involves two Secretariats, several Secretariat agencies,
and pharmacy units. There is no official data on discarded
EM, although its existence is regulated. The most frequent
responses by transparency indicate incompetence or lack of
data. In Compranet we identified only one specific contract
for the disposition of EM in five years.
Conclusion. There
is no evidence of compliance with the profuse regulations
found. The absence of recording and availability of data suggests
little control over the economic and environmental
implications of EM. It is necessary a transparent and committed
with the environment, with control mechanisms and
comprehensive management.
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