2025, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2025; 67 (1)
Fluoride content in table salt from the Element Project in Mexico City
Tamayo-Cabeza G, Mantilla-Rodríguez A, Cantoral A, Téllez-Rojo MM, Peterson KE, Hu H, Martínez-Mier EA
Language: English
References: 35
Page: 48-55
PDF size: 489.77 Kb.
Objective. This study evaluated fluoride content in table
salts from participants’ households of the Element project,
comparing them with the Mexican standards of fluoride
content in table salt (200 to 250 mg/kg).
Materials and
methods. Salt samples were collected from households of
mother-offspring pairs participating in Element. Salt samples
were analyzed in duplicates using a combination fluoride ionselective
electrode and a pH/ISE meter.
Results. Among 657
samples from 14 brands, fluoride varied from 0.016 to 477.9
mg/kg with a median (IQR) of 142.5 (136.9). Of salts labeled
as fluoridated or containing fluoride (n= 607), we found that
72.8% (n= 442) had fluoride content below the recommended
range and 13.8% (n= 84) were above the Mexican norm.
Only 81 salt samples (13.3%) fell within recommended limits.
Conclusion. Future studies with representative sampling
are needed to evaluate table salt fluoride content, especially
in high-fluoride areas, to inform potential adjustments to the
current monitoring program.
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