2024, Number 1
Psychiatric disorders in the human immunodeficiency virus-infected male population: a systematic literature review
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 21-27
PDF size: 203.14 Kb.
Introduction: psychiatric disorders are complex conditions resulting from the interaction of several factors. In the specific case of people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), mental disorders are associated with lower adherence to treatment, increased viral load and accelerated deterioration of health. Male population not only shows greater sexual risk behavior, but also less frequency of mental health medical assistance and underdiagnosis of psychiatric disorders. Objective: this systematic review aims to analyze the mental health outcomes of men diagnosed with HIV from a gender perspective. Material and methods: a search for studies on the mental and psychiatric repercussions in HIV-positive men published in the last 15 years was conducted using the PubMed and Scielo databases. Results: after applying the inclusion criteria, 39 articles were obtained, which resulted in 5 articles from the main research and 4 studies of importance added manually. Conclusions: alterations such as depression, anxiety, isolation, panic and stress have been reported in the HIV-infected male population, especially in heterosexual men.REFERENCES
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