2024, Number 4
Risk factors for oral colonization of Candida spp. in geriatric population
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 156-162
PDF size: 203.94 Kb.
Objective. To relate risk factors that favor oral colonization of different Candida species, on geriatric patients.Material and methods. Observational, cross-sectional and analytical study in older adults with different underlying pathologies in a first-level clinic. An oral cavity sample was taken. Chi square of independence was used, in addition to a multivariate discriminant analysis and multiple logistic regression. SPSS v 26 Statistical Program.
Results. 172 older adults were included. In 36.6%, positive cultures were obtained for the different species of Candida. In the relationship between the presence of Candida and studied factors; for patients with diabetes, statistical significance was obtained with sex, use of mouthwash, stomatitis, smoking, polypharmacy, and use of ARA II. In patients with high blood pressure, with use of prostheses, edentulism and oral trauma. In the relation between risk factors and Candida species: for patients with diabetes mellitus, a relation was obtained with the use of mouthwash, diuretics, inhalers, and with intolerance to prostheses. In high blood pressure with the use of prostheses, allergy to prostheses, and with oral trauma.
Conclusions. In this study, relation between risk factors and colonization with different species of Candida in geriatric patients was established. Pre-existing comorbidities per se are not enough to favor colonization, synergy between these and the various risk factors specific to this age group makes the difference.
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