2024, Number 3
Relationship between anxiety and alcohol consumption in resident physicians: a cross-sectional study in a general zone hospital in the south-central region of Mexico
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 200-209
PDF size: 364.29 Kb.
Objective: This study explores the relationship between anxiety symptoms and alcohol consumption in medical residents at the Gen-eral Hospital of Zone Number 20 "La Margarita" of the Mexican Social Security Institute, located in Puebla, Mexico, within the South-Central Region, with the aim of improving their mental health and well-being. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted with 106 residents aged 25-32. The GAD-7 and AUDIT scales were used to measure anxiety and alcohol consumption. Data were analyzed using Spearman's correlation via SPSS v25. Results: 54.7% of participants showed moderate to severe anxiety, while 55.6% reported risky alcohol consumption. A strong positive correlation (r = 0.862, p ‹ 0.001) was found between anxiety levels and alcohol use. Conclusions: The study reveals a high prevalence of anxiety and alcohol consumption among medical residents, highlighting the need for enhanced support programs in healthcare institutions focused on prevention and treatment. Lon-gitudinal studies are recommended to better understand the progression of these issues during residency.REFERENCES
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