2022, Number 04
Dorsalscapular nerve syndrome in an adult
Language: Spanish
References: 9
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The case report of a 47 years patient is presented, who went to the Orthopedics and Traumatology Service of Joaquín Albarrán Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital in Havana due to a pain in the neck irradiated to the left superior member. In the physical exploration atrophy of the left scapula romboid muscles and alar deformity were notable, accented during the maneuver. Radiography and electromyography were carried out; in the first one, left supernumerary cervical rib was observed and, in the second one, dorsalscapular nerve leison, reason why the secondary dorsal scapular nerve syndrome to anterior scalene syndrome was diagnosed. Physiotherapeutic treatment was indicated and the patient had a favorable clinical course.REFERENCES
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