2022, Number 04
Impact of the prenatal diagnosis of the National Program for the prevention of sickle-cell anemia in the incidence of hempoglobimopathies in Santiago de Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: The birth of people with SS and SC hemoglobine justified the creation of a prevention program in Cuba which includes the antenatal diagnosis of these hemoglobinopathies.Objective: To show the impact of the antenatal diagnosis in the incidence of sickle-cell anemia and of the composed heterocigotic disease SC.
Methods: A descriptive restrospective and cross-sectional study was carried out in the Provincial Department of the Teaching Southern Pediatric Hospital Antonio María Béguez César in Santiago de Cuba, which included three decades and a sexennium (from 1984 to 2019), of the 713 fetuses and children in whom sickell-cell anemia was diagnosed. To establish the prenatal diagnosis, hemoglobine electrophoresis to all pregnant women, -During the first years with Havana equipment and from 2012 on, with the technology Hydrasys-.
Results: From the total of diagnosed cases, pregnancy was interrupted in 44,3 %, with a significant increase of aborptions provoked due to this cause with the passing of years: 23.7 % in the first decenium, 46.1 in the second and 68.1 % in the third, while in the period 2014-2019 it was 59.3 %. Due to this, the births of sick children to from 76.3 % at the beggining of the study to 53.9 and 31.9 respectively, and finally to 40.7 % in the sexenium 2014-2019.
Conclusions: The prenatal diagnosis of sickel-cell anemia SS and SC constitutes the key stone for the prevention of these hemoglobinopathies.
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