2022, Number 04
Necessity of updating knowledge on laser therapy in stomatology professionals
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Introduction: Knowledge on lasertherapy is necessary in professionals of medical and stomatological specialities, so as to use them properly in patients.Objective: To identify the scarce knowledge on lasertherapy in stomatology professionals.
Methods: A descriptive and crossed-sectional study was carried out from March 2020 to April, 2021, in 60 professionals in the stomatological service from Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, in whom a survey was applied and their answers were classified as adequate or inadequate. Likewise, empiric and statistics methods were used for the analysis of results.
Results: Most of the surveyed professionals had acquired knowlegde during their pre-degree training, in the same way, a higher percentage of adequate answers was obtained regarding the properties of therapy with laser, meassures for its use, and contraindications related to surgical treatment. When analizing knowledge according to professional categories, it could be proven that specialists had a more adequate notion on the topic than the rest of participants in the study.
Conclusions: Professional showed scarce knowledge on to use lasertherapy; so, it is required to elaborate a training estrategy to prepare them in such an important topic.
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