2022, Number 04
Information management in academic and assistance processes through the cloud Infomed Santiago
Language: Spanish
References: 11
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Introduction: The information management speeds up the processes in different labor atmospheres, for which systems able to gather, organize and link the stored information are used. The cloud is based on existent technologies, such as virtualization and web services; it constitutes a computer landmark and it is adapted to diverse scenarios and contexts.Objective: To contribute the information management related to the databases of the polymerase chain reaction and the accreditation processes in the University of Medical Sciences from Santiago de Cuba through the cloud Infomed Santiago.
Methods: An applied investigation of technological development was carried out in the Provincial Information Center of Medical Sciences, the University of Medical Sciences and the Provincial Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology in Santiago de Cuba, from June to December, 2021. Surveys were applied to 19 professionals of the sector who worked directly in the administration of information related to the databases mentioned.
Results: The 19 professionals interviewed (100.0 %) affirmed that they used the electronic mail, the integrated chat, the cloud and other facilities that this tool offers to store and share information.
Conclusions: The cloud allowed the information management related to the assistance and academic processes during the most critical period of COVID-19.
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