2024, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (6)
Planetary health and syndemic analysis: to the building of a new environmental health
Díaz-Barriga F, Schilmann A, Quintanilla-Vega B, García-Vargas G, Téllez-Rojo MM, Gonsebatt ME, Del Razo LM, Rojas-Bracho L, Riojas-Rodríguez H
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 868-875
PDF size: 267.06 Kb.
Environmental, climatic, and ecological threats have intensified
and now constitute a triple planetary crisis. These crises
interact with each other and with the social conditions of the
environment, resulting in an increase in chronic diseases, the
emergence of new illnesses, and the resurgence of others.
In this context, the construction of innovative and holistic
approaches to public health is required. Based on the global
and national diagnosis, we propose a comprehensive strategy
for planetary health that, from the community level, addresses
the syndemics resulting from the synergistic interaction of
environmental, climatic, ecological, and social threats. This
strategy is enriched with a perspective on human rights
and strengthened by a novel framework for the training of
high-quality human resources, both at the undergraduate and
postgraduate levels, as well as for enhancing the capabilities
of local talent. Finally, it is suggested to address social and
environmental determinants from a health perspective and
to protect the rights of nature. We propose a national agenda
based on interinstitutional action, the creation of a national
program with its own structure and budget, and with a scientific
advisory council.
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