2024, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (6)
Breaking the gender barrier: a study on enrollment trends in medical specialties at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Breda-Yepes ML, Garrido-Solano C, Martínez-Miranda V, Robles-Cacho XE, Abundes-Corona A, Cervantes-Arriaga A, Corona-Vázquez T
Language: English
References: 18
Page: 842-848
PDF size: 343.69 Kb.
Objective. To analyzes the gender gap among residents
enrolled in the medical specialization program of the Graduate
Division at the
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
(UNAM), Facultad de Medicina.
Materials and methods.
We conducted a descriptive observational study of students
registered in all 78 medical specialties offered by UNAM
over a period of 7 years (2015-2022) at approximately 161
hospitals in Mexico.
Results. A total of 79 175 students
were studied, we observed a predominance of women
51.69%, compared to 48.30% men. In medical specialties, we
found a predominance of women of 57.33%, in contrast to
surgical specialties with 44.76% women. The specialties with
the most women enrolled were dermatology, neonatology,
pediatrics, gynecology, and psychiatry. In men, the specialties
with the most enrollment were general surgery, cardiology,
neurosurgery, plastic surgery among others.
Women predominance is observed in some medical special
ties, especially those that require caregiving tasks. However, a
gap remains between men and women, particularly in surgical
specialties and in higher decision-making positions. We suggest
extending support networks to include men as well as women.
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