2022, Number 38
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INFODIR 2022; 18 (38)
Household Income Management in Cuba during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Otaño AA, Vialart VMN, Jorna CAR
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 368.27 Kb.
Introduction: Home admission reached its greatest boom in Cuba from the emergence of the family doctor and nurse practitioner program. It is in the community where the first contact and most of the events that have an impact on the health of individuals, the family and the population in general, where home admission is part of the integral medical care, at home and daily, provided by the basic health team.
Objective: To analyze the management of home admission in Cuba during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Development: The authors consider that admission to the home is an alternative for the isolation of patients with mild symptomatology and without associated comorbidities. In addition, with socioeconomic conditions that allowed a favorable evolution, it alleviated to some extent the admission to isolation centers and second level hospitals, but exposed the insufficient management capacity of home admission.
Conclusions: For the improvement of home admission management, it is essential to propose new methods, techniques and tools specific to the management branch.
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