2024, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (2)
Attitudes and disposition towards the 2012 comprehensive educational training model of students of the Faculty of Economics
Santoyo MDJ, Araujo ALA, Rivera RAR, Ortiz PR
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 666-680
PDF size: 375.68 Kb.
In order to assess the attitude that the students of the two degrees offered by the Faculty of Economics of the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY) have in the different actions carried out in the six axes of the Educational Model for Comprehensive Training (MEFI) implemented Starting in 2012, as well as the probability of participating in the activities that the Faculty of Economics could implement, a Likert scale was applied to an intentional sample of 77 students from the Bachelor's Degree in Economics and the Bachelor's Degree in International Trade. The results indicate that students have a good attitude towards the proposals of the MEFI model, especially in social responsibility actions; as for their interest in participating in them, there are different activities in which students would be willing to get involved. These results are analyzed in a segmented manner, by sex and by type of degree. The results are useful for the design and implementation of new and varied strategies for the execution of MEFI 2012 in both degrees.
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