2024, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (4)
Obesity in adults
Barquera S, Hernández-Barrera L, Oviedo-Solís C, Rodríguez-Ramírez S, Monterrubio-Flores E, Trejo-Valdivia B, Martínez-Tapia B, Aguilar-Salinas C, Galván-Valencia O, Chávez-Manzanera E, Rivera-Dommarco J, Campos-Nonato I
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 414-424
PDF size: 301.83 Kb.
Objective. Describe the prevalence of obesity in adults
from the Continuous National Health and Nutrition Survey
2020-2023 (Ensanut 2020-2023), its main sociodemographic
characteristics, its association with chronic diseases, risk
factors and the consumption of industrialized energetic
beverages (IEB), as well as trends in the last 23 years, to
contribute to the generation of evidence for the design of
public health policies.
Materials and methods. Information
from 32 889 participants was analyzed to characterize
the Mexican adult population by body mass index (BMI)
groups and stratified by sociodemographic variables. Logistic
regression models were used to estimate the associations
of these groups with the variables of interest. The trend of
BMI groups in the last six national surveys (2000-2023) was
Results. The prevalence of obesity in adults was
37.1% (41.0% women, 33.0% men). The percentage of energy
coming from EIB was twice as high in men as in women (6.8
vs. 3.3%). Men in the highest quartile of percentage of energy
coming from EIB were 2.29 times more likely to have obesity
(p‹0.05). There was a continuous and significant increase in
the prevalence of obesity in the period 2000-2012, but between
2016-2023 no significant differences were observed
Conclusions. The national prevalence of obesity
in adults showed an increase of 41.7% in the period 2000-
2016. Starting in 2016, there was a stabilization of the trend.
High EIB consumption increases the possibility of obesity.
Interventions with a comprehensive and multisystemic vision
are required that allow the prevention and control of obesity.
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