2022, Number 2
Analysis of the scientific production published by the Journal of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Rio, 2012-2021
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 445.47 Kb.
Introduction: bibliometric constitutes a useful tool for the analysis of strengths and weaknesses of editorial management, which allows evaluating new routes of action by editorial teams.Objective: to describe the metric indicators of the Journal of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Rio between 2012 and 2021.
Methods: observational, descriptive and bibliometric study. The target group comprised 1238 articles published in the period, studying them in totality. The information was collected from the full texts of the articles by accessing the journal's website. Variables such as the number of articles, review period, publication period and rate of variation of scientific production were studied.
Results: a total of 1238 articles were published, divided into 10 volumes and 60 issues. The most productive years were 2018 and 2016 with 136 and 133 articles respectively. A predominance of original articles was found (50,57 %); 4360 were reported, with an average of 436 authors per year and 3.52 authors per article. Finding a higher number of authors making publications in the year 2021 (488 authors). Between 2013 and 2021 a total of 2294 articles were received, the rejection rate was found to be between 2 % (2018) and 40 % (2021).
Conclusions: the journal complied with the established periods, publishing a greater number of original articles, varying both the number of articles and authors between years, with a trend to increase, as well as multiple authors per articles. There was a high rate of rejection in general.
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