2024, Number 7
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Med Int Mex 2024; 40 (7)
Association between nondipper pattern of blood pressure and epicardal fat thickness in hypertensive patients
Rubio GAF, Guerrero GC, Narváez RJL, Narváez ONG, Benítez MDR
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 407-412
PDF size: 191.87 Kb.
Objective: To determine if there is an association between a non-dipper pattern and
epicardial fat thickness in hypertensive patients.
Materials and Methods: A study was done including patients with hypertension,
all of them underwent 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring with Cardioline
Walk200b equipment; epicardial fat thickness was also measured with Aloka Alpha 6
equipment, with a 3.5 MHz transducer.
Results: Thirty patients were included; 15 showed a dipper pattern and 15 a nondipper
pattern. There was not significant difference in the daytime hypertensive load
of blood pressure between subjects with epicardial fat thickness › 5 mm and ‹ 5 mm
(p = 0.18); however, subjects with epicardial fat thickness › 5 mm had a significantly
higher nocturnal hypertensive load than subjects with epicardial fat thickness ‹ 5 mm
(p = 0.033). The risk of presenting a nondipper pattern in subjects with epicardial fat
thickness › 5 mm was 24.00 (p = 0.0017).
Conclusions: An epicardial fat thickness 5 mm significantly increases the risk of
presenting a nondipper pattern in hypertensive subjects, due to an increase in nocturnal
hypertensive load. This suggests a relevant role of epicardial fat on the mechanisms that
lead to arterial hypertension and its complications.
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