2024, Number 2
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2024; 9 (2)
Legal and forensic sports medicine. What is its importance for the administration of justice in Venezuela?
Araujo CJC
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 70-99
PDF size: 411.64 Kb.
The purpose of this legal research is to make a descriptive analysis about the
importance for the administration of justice in sports medicine and its relationship with legal
and forensic medicine in sport, product of the legal and forensic medical problems arising
from the attitude of intentional violence anti-sportsman of an athlete that causes injury or
damage to the physical integrity and even death to another athlete, as well as the sudden
death in a competitive sports scenario when this can be catalogued as a suspected crime and
the treatment of doping in sports activities with prohibited substances in the sphere of
criminal and/or civil law of the Venezuelan legal system. Methodology applied Review of the
medical-legal literature on the importance of forensic-legal medicine in sports, where
criminal and/or civil liability is manifested with specific profiles for the administration of
justice. It is convenient and necessary to clarify that this is not a bibliometric study to identify
what has been published on the subject, nor a comparative study.
The research process was developed throughout the year 2022. Approach. In the
Venezuelan legal system, at least as yet, there is no specialized legal discipline that admits
the label "Criminal Law of Sport", nor jurists dedicated to this branch of Law. At present,
Criminal Law and sport are not two subjects whose association is evident or intuitive, but it
is most likely that with the passing of time it will probably change.
Conclusion. It is for this
reason that the fundamentally unlawful conduct, where the most serious consequences
derived is the affection to the most fundamental legal goods such as: life, physical integrity,
health of people, human dignity should be the object of criminal legal protection.
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