2024, Number 2
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Rev Biomed 2024; 35 (2)
Genetic damage in human blood cells exposed to germicidal lamps and cytoprotection of ascorbic acid
Reynoso-Silva M, Alvarez-Moya C, Barrientos-Ramírez L, Vargas-Radillo JJ, Rodríguez-Macías R
Language: English
References: 35
Page: 59-66
PDF size: 185.62 Kb.
Introduction. Germicidal lamps have a wavelength
range of 200-280 nm and can affect the integrity
of the DNA of people who handle this equipment.
Human lymphocytes are excellent biomonitors of
genetic damage and widely used with the comet
Objective. Evaluation of genotoxicity in human
blood cells exposed to UV-C radiation (254 nm)
emitted by germicidal lamps and the cytoprotective
effect of ascorbic acid, using the comet test.
Material and methods. Slides containing
lymphocytes immersed in agarose gel were exposed
to UV-C radiation (254 nm) for periods of 5, 10
and 15 minutes and 70 cm away. The antigenotoxic
effect was determined in cells exposed to UV-C
for 5 minutes and 70 cm away, subsequently the
slides were subjected to an ascorbic acid solution
for periods of 5, 10 and 15 mM for two hours. In
both situations, genetic damage was quantified by
the comet test using three parameters: tail length,
tail moment, and migration groups.
Results. The three parameters detected significant
genotoxic activity (p‹0.05) in the times of exposure
to UV-C and cytoprotective effect of ascorbic acid
Conclusions. The handling of UV-C germicidal
lamps is often wrong and dangerous to exposed
people or organisms. These data suggest that
ascorbic acid increases DNA protection in cells
exposed to UV-C radiation.
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