2023, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (4)
Circadian rhythms on a time-place learning task
Hernández VMS, Yáñez RF, García GD, Aguilar GF; Moreno GS, Carpio RCA
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 1256-1272
PDF size: 309.12 Kb.
Time-Place learning has been defined as the capability of adjust to
the spatial and temporal variability of relevants events. There is
evidence of wide variety of species that have been adjusted to the
task, such rats, cumingbirds, pigeons, ants, bees, among others.
However, there is a discrepancy related to how the human being
learn spatial and temporal contingencies. In that way, the aim was
to identify corrects, oposites and incorrects percentage responses
in a daily Time-Place Learning task with university students. The
results suggest that the participants clicked more to the correct
option in morning sessions no matter if it was morning session or
afternoon session. To get closer to the answer of whether humans
adjust to a daily TPL task, more training sessions should be
performed, the interval between sessions increased, and probe
sessions performed to assess their performance and thus, could
conclude if the human being is capable to adjust their behavior to
temporal and spatial contingecies.
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