2023, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (4)
Choose: how to do it
Vega VCZ, Méndez FFA, Gómez EG, Nava QC
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1245-1255
PDF size: 221.35 Kb.
In everyday life, people decide what to eat, what to wear, which car
to buy, and so forth. Both managerial leaders in organizations and
professors are professionals whose decisions affect the
performance of their collaborators or their students, respectively.
However, other professionals lead the research on decision-making
in such populations. Behavioral psychology, for its part, offers a
scientific platform to study choice behavior through systematic
procedures and with extensive empirical support. Delay and social
discounting are experimental approaches that allow us to examine
how a reward loses its value as the delay to receipt it increases or
as other people are included in the enjoyment of it, respectively.
These procedures support the study of impulsive behavior and are
often a criterion for determining the change toward self-controlled
choices. Overall, the research on decision-making in management
and teaching leaders from the behavioral approach is limited.
Therefore, this work aimed to exhibit the relevance of examining the
decision-making of managers and teachers based on behavioral
psychology through specialized literature and propose future
research in this field.
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