2023, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (3)
'They have more children than they can support'. justifications for forced contraception of indigenous women in Mexico
Orozco GAI
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 855-880
PDF size: 365.94 Kb.
Motherhood is regulated by social institutions that rule who should be mothers and who should not. The latter (indigenous women, women with disabilities, women living in poverty, among others) may be subject to illegal practices to limit their reproduction, such as forced contraception within public health institutions. The objective of this research was to know the general opinion of people who commented on a video on Facebook about this problem. A digital ethnography was conducted to collect discussions in the comments section and to analyze them using sentiment analysis and non-participant observation techniques. The results show a majority in agreement with involuntary contraception when aimed at indigenous people. In their justifications, they think of indigenous women as ignorant, hyperfertile or incapable of controlling their reproduction, so health personnel should do it for them. Also, that indigenous people live in poverty or have more children than they can support, so that forced contraception is a benefit for them. These ideas provide legitimacy to forced contraception, so that, despite its illegality, it can occur with impunity and with the approval of a sector of the population.
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