2024, Number 50
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (50)
Use of gamified digital tools in the evaluation of prior knowledge of human anatomy
Mendoza RHJ
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 79-88
PDF size: 726.09 Kb.
Introduction: Gamified education increases the student’s
motivation to participate in classes either because of the
sense of competition when playing a game or because
of the atmosphere of camaraderie.
Aim: Analyze the results of the evaluation of previous
knowledge of human anatomy that university students
have using non-gamified and gamified digital tools.
Method: quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study.
A simple random sampling was carried out. The sample
size was 152 nursing students. Descriptive statistics were
used in the analysis of frequency tables and the Monte
Carlo test for the analysis of associations (p value
‹ 0.05).
Results: the students (83.55% female) had an average
age of 26.47 ± 8.47 years. The digital tool preferred
by students was Kahoot (28.94%), followed by Quizizz
(23.02%) and Genially (13.81%). For generational group
Z the best tool was Quizizz (30.18%), for Y it was Kahoot
(35.22%), and for X it was Genially (27.27%), p = 0.026
‹ 0.05). The percentages of correct answers in the
prior knowledge assessment were Zoom Voting 61%,
Google Forms 77%, Mentimeter 55%, Poll Everywhere
57%, Padlet 48%, Kahoot 55% and Quizizz 87%.
Conclusions: The use of gamified digital tools in the evaluation
of prior knowledge of anatomy did not vary in the
result of the answers compared to the non-gamified ones,
but they were more motivating and promoted competition
among students. Kahoot and Quizizz were chosen as the
best by the students, which allowed the correct answers
of the students to be analyzed both in groups and individually,
as well as the wrong answers.
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