2024, Number 50
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (50)
Psychometric Characteristics of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) among University Students
Salinas-Muñoz J, Livia Segovia JH, Campos-Uscanga Y, Argüelles-Nava VG, Contreras-Alarcón G, Mota-Morales ML
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 68-78
PDF size: 584.41 Kb.
Introduction: Negative emotional states, such as stress,
anxiety, and depression, are occurring more frequently
among young people, so their detection is a priority due
to well-being conditions and their relationship with other
kind of health damage. Although there are some measurement
scales, in Mexico there is no validation evidence for
this population group.
Objective: We aimed to determine the psychometric
characteristics of the abridged version of the depression,
anxiety, and stress scale (DASS-21) among health
sciences students from a university located in the state
of Veracruz, Mexico.
Method: A quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive
study was carried out to determine the psychometric characteristics
of the DASS-21 scale. The sample included
135 university students. The unweighted least squares
extraction method with promax rotation was used to conduct
a confirmatory factor analysis, after which criterion
validity was analyzed.
Results: The confirmatory factor analysis established a
three-factor model, which explain 59.9% of the variance
and with factorial weights greater than .30. The analysis
of structural equations corroborated the model with expected
adjustment indices. Furthermore, the domains
established a positive correlation between themselves
and the total score. The Cronbach’s alpha, McDonall’s
omega, and composite reliability indices are greater than
.70, which reflects the consistency of the scores for each
Conclusions: The psychometric characteristics for depression,
anxiety, and stress subscales confirmed the
internal and criterion validity. Also, the scores are consistent.
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